Wednesday, November 03, 2021

"...Don’t argue along the way.."

Read this this morning and was challenged. Did some study

We each have so much in life but it’s so easy to compare ourselves to others. So today just realize that God has blessed you abundantly and that our “sacks are full”.

We all have a journey ahead and I’m so thankful for a family that we always pull together.

"So he sent is brethren away, and they departed: and he said unto them, 

See that ye fall not out by the way."

Genesis 45:24 KJV

"Then he sent his brothers on their way. As they were leaving, he gave them one last piece of advice. Joseph: Don’t argue along the way!"

Genesis 45:24 VOICE

"Then he sent his brothers off. As they left he told them, “Take it easy on the journey; try to get along with each other.”

Genesis 45:24MSG

“Consider, again, the great mercies you have all shared together… See that you fall not out when you have so many mercies. Joseph has filled your sacks, but if he has put some extra thing into Benjamin’s sack, do not quarrel with Benjamin about that, but rather rejoice because your sacks are full. You have all got enough, you are all secure, you have all been dismissed with a blessing.”

CHS Sermon #49

“To learn after all these years that the brother they sold into slavery has become one of the most powerful men in the world takes time to process. The famine, the journey from Canaan, and a shock of seeing him again have taken a toll on them. Now they have to go back, get their families, and return. The road home leaves plenty of time to worry about what might become of them, plenty of time for nerves to fray and anger to stir. Joseph knows they have hard journey ahead, and they need to pull together and not apart.”

-Note, Voice Bible

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