Tuesday, November 16, 2021

"...You crossed the distance..."

  "You can't understand most of the important things from a distance... 

You have to get close,"

- Just Mercy, Bryan Stevenson

 "You reached through my darkness

To pull me in

You stood in my place

And became my sin.....

When I couldn't do it

You crossed the distance

Your love pushed harder

Than my resistance"

LOVE Outran me

"...just a snapshot in time …

 Snapshot memory


Oh, I suppose it’s just a way of trying to fix things as they go past. To keep what’s vital from being lost.” (Rory Lomax in The Dig)

Although, I recall our grandchildren’s conversation this summer day, I don’t remember what the cousins were chatting about but I do remember the sound of them talking , the laughter, the breaking waves, salt water on their faces and in their hair; and the sunshine shimmering on the ocean, the light wind, the empty net, the holding of the beach hat against the ocean breeze.

They have been together since they were born. They crawled together, vacationed, learned to ride waves , learned to maneuver distance together, joy and loss together …

“Our understanding is just a snapshot in time … and new memories replace old memories”

At a later age they may be talking about the breaking waves, and how they will withstand life‘s challenges together, or possibly the wind ‘how they faced struggles head on together and got to the other side ’ or recalled memories with family on beach vacations decades ago.

But this moment and day - it was only standing in the waves near end of day,attempting time after time to catch something with the net he held, both knowing in their ♥️’s the next time they were going to succeed , - resilient and encouraging one another to not give up, just enjoying the moment- not a care in the world.

 Life keeps moving forward and similar conversations and loving memories surely happen between other cousins, siblings,family, over other generations and lifetimes, I’m sure. 

“You are in the air I'm breathing

You are in the night time sky

You are in the storm retreating

You are in the first sunrise 🌅 

You are in the firm foundation

You are the life to seek”

(You Are by Citipointe)

“God knows all about us, and He knows what is best for us. He sees the dangers we face, and He also knows the joys we could experience. 

But God not only knows what is best for us, He also wants what is best for us.

 The reason is simple: He loves us." 

- Billy Graham, The Journey

Wednesday, November 03, 2021

"...Don’t argue along the way.."

Read this this morning and was challenged. Did some study

We each have so much in life but it’s so easy to compare ourselves to others. So today just realize that God has blessed you abundantly and that our “sacks are full”.

We all have a journey ahead and I’m so thankful for a family that we always pull together.

"So he sent is brethren away, and they departed: and he said unto them, 

See that ye fall not out by the way."

Genesis 45:24 KJV

"Then he sent his brothers on their way. As they were leaving, he gave them one last piece of advice. Joseph: Don’t argue along the way!"

Genesis 45:24 VOICE

"Then he sent his brothers off. As they left he told them, “Take it easy on the journey; try to get along with each other.”

Genesis 45:24MSG

“Consider, again, the great mercies you have all shared together… See that you fall not out when you have so many mercies. Joseph has filled your sacks, but if he has put some extra thing into Benjamin’s sack, do not quarrel with Benjamin about that, but rather rejoice because your sacks are full. You have all got enough, you are all secure, you have all been dismissed with a blessing.”

CHS Sermon #49

“To learn after all these years that the brother they sold into slavery has become one of the most powerful men in the world takes time to process. The famine, the journey from Canaan, and a shock of seeing him again have taken a toll on them. Now they have to go back, get their families, and return. The road home leaves plenty of time to worry about what might become of them, plenty of time for nerves to fray and anger to stir. Joseph knows they have hard journey ahead, and they need to pull together and not apart.”

-Note, Voice Bible

"..empires dissolves like the white mist of the morning ..."

“The majesty of kings is swallowed up. 

The pomp of empires dissolves like the white mist of the morning before the sun. 

The brightness of assembled armies is eclipsed. He in Himself is brighter than the sun… 
Put away your gaudy pageantry, you lords of this poor narrow earth! 

His kingdom knows no bounds. Without a limit His vast empire stretches out itself.”

“So God raised Him up to the highest place and gave Him the name above all.”
-Philippians 2:9 VOICE

"...to accept life unconditionally..."

Lovely painting by Emily years ago as a teen, of a lovely person and life Audrey Hepburn

Few things I thought:
We watched a documentary on Netflix of Audrey Hepburn‘s life. I can’t believe I did not know much about Audrey Hepburn prior to today. We watched a few of her movies. She was amazing and so uniquely talented and beautiful in many ways. She was resilient in childhood and her life -through abandonment as a child, dreams shattered as a by WWII, marital hardships, and cancer in the end of life. She was dedicated to her family, and made a great contribution to relief efforts and towards relief for world hunger and children -UNICEF.

Our own lives pass by very quickly and I wish I would’ve show more interest in my daughter’s painting years ago. And take the time to slow things down when in the busiest times of life. I also think it’s important to learn about others even if it was from the 1950s /60’s because there’s so much to gain from learning about their lives, their struggles, and their successes that motivate you in your own challenging times that will come.
I’ve included a few of her quotes that are inspiring. So taking the time to slow down and focus on these words today.

“The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.”
-Audrey Hepburn

“Living is like tearing through a museum. Not until later do you really start absorbing what you saw, thinking about it, looking it up in a book, and remembering - because you can't take it in all at once.”
-Audrey Hepburn

“People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.”
-Audrey Hepburn

“Pick the day. Enjoy it - to the hilt. The day as it comes. People as they come... The past, I think, has helped me appreciate the present, and I don't want to spoil any of it by fretting about the future.”
-Audrey Hepburn

“How shall I sum up my life? I think I've been particularly lucky. Does that have something to do with faith also? I know my mother always used to say, 'Good things aren't supposed to just fall in your lap. God is very generous, but he expects you to do your part first.' So you have to make that effort. But at the end of a bad time or a huge effort, I've always had - how shall I say it? - the prize at the end. My whole life shows that.”
-Audrey Hepburn

“The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows & the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years.”
Audrey Hepburn

by Emily