Monday, March 14, 2022

"...Full Circle God..."

"He is a Full Circle God. He loves to show us just how faithful he can be.” -Kristene DiMarco

“Now, did you ever notice that in providence the circle is God's rule still.
Troubles must come, afflictions must befall; it must needs be that for a season you should be in heaviness, through manifold temptations.
But I have said that eclipses must also occur in grace, and it is so. 
God's rule in grace is still the circle." 
- Charles Spurgeon

“I form light and create darkness; I make what is good, happy, and healthy, and I create woe. I, the Eternal One, make them one and all.” Isaiah 45:7 VOICE

“I form light and create darkness; I make harmonies and create discords. I, GOD, do all these things.” Isaiah 45:7 Message

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