“But in Heaven there shall be no interruption, no weeping eyes shall make us for a moment pause in our vision, no earthly joys, no sensual delights, shall create a discord in our melody. There shall we have no fields to till, no garments to spin, no wearied limbs, no dark distresses, no burning thirsts, no pangs of hunger, no weeping of bereavement. We shall have nothing to do or think upon but forever to gaze upon that Sun of Righteousness with eyes that cannot be blinded and with a heart that can never be weary.” (CHS, Sermon 188 The Redeemers Prayer)
"Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given to Me
[as Your gift to Me], may be with Me where I am,
so that they may see My glory which You have given Me,
because You loved Me before the foundation of the world."
John 17:24 (AMP)
( Excerpts)
for these 2 hours,
I could just surrender the impossibility
of trying to recognize and categorize every worry in the world—
as we grow and gray, we realize:
they are the shape that they are.
I could just surrender the impossibility
of trying to recognize and categorize every worry in the world—
as we grow and gray, we realize:
they are the shape that they are.
and when we had laughed sufficiently,
almost painfully,
I looked again at the great tree—
its branches reaching to Heaven, peering over the rooftops
—and I imagined it
having watched a thousand children play
having stood through a thousand storms.
I thought of Big Don, smiling on the sidewalk
and my son,
tapping the earth and listening for its sound.
neither the young nor the old
are worried about tomorrow.
they are not imploring God to adjust His timeline
so that something might pass or bloom before its time.
it may not be that they are wise or patient,
but rather, planted. dependent.
there is nowhere to go but to God.
nowhere we can go beyond His gaze.
He understands the place where we are,
the pressures of it all—
and He longs to meet with us
in the million shades of midnight.
for each regret, there is a perfect grace
uniquely spoken
a comfort that will carry us to tomorrow.
we need not be anxious
for He knows our every sorrow.
He knows
they are the shape that they are.
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