Friday, March 03, 2017

How Does My Story End?

"But my story seems to diverge from Joseph’s. Suddenly and miraculously, Joseph was completely delivered. He was freed from prison, his brothers were humbled and repentant, and he was awarded unprecedented power. He could say to his brothers, “You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good” (Genesis 50:20). While he went through great pain and disappointment, in the end
 Joseph’s story is tied with a bow — a beautiful, inspiring, faith-building bow.
But will all our disappointments
 get tied up with a bow? 
Does God mean everything for my good?
 Some of my losses cannot or will not be reversed in this life, and I have seen faithful friends die without being rescued. How do I reconcile that?
Every one of Joseph’s disappointments was essential in bringing about God’s magnificent plan — a plan for Joseph’s good, the good of his people, and for the glory of God.
Each of my disappointments has been necessary.
 If they were not, God would not have brought them. From Joseph, I have learned to trust 
that every time I suffer loss,
 God is preparing me for something greater."
- Vaneetha Rendall Risner-

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