The maple vibrant with orange, yellow , green and red colors, backdrop of October sky
Tree limbs reaching,
Leaves of amber, crimson, auburn, lurid and scarlet to the bluest sky
The day, so bright, the day he was born , gratitude so glad
God gives great pleasure this autumn birthday
Fallen leaves , a bright-colored resting place to lay and rest your head
A son, a brother, a friend,
Memories surpass the imagination
Pictures together, a collage, a photomontage that could fill a room
Back then no idea of the lively times ahead
Nor the trimming and struggle for light in this life as crowded trees reach and grow and shade together
Fleeting years and the October maple grows, cycle of life,
Seasons of maples, sugaring sap in the spring , winged seeds, leaves sprout then end with colorful rain
Tree limbs grow higher, shade and shelter
Some limbs grow old, brittle and fall,
Shaded from the sun by taller trees beside,
Hope in the enduring ,
Remaining ones vibrant and reaching taller still
The air is filled with celebration and
the aroma of fresh baked apple and pumpkin pies,
Ears filled with sound of laughter of young ones climbing the tree that generations climbed ,
Dreaming in the treetop, swaying
sails in the cool October breeze,
Sailing to destinations unknown
“A to Z, Beginning to End, season boundaries,
All the in between , lives bracketed”*
“Seasons will change, colors will fade
But I know that You remain”**
October Maple,
Glimpse poetry by Joe Holuta
*Thought from Discipleship on the Edge, Darrell Johnson , Chapter ‘Keeping Faith Under Pressure.
** You Remain (feat. Meredith Mauldin and Elyssa Smith) // Live - UPPERROOM