Saturday, April 13, 2019

"I am The Door- The Gateway"

"I am the Gateway. 
To enter through me 
is to experience life, 
 and satisfaction."
John 10:9 (TPT)


"I am the door. 
If anyone enters by me,
 he will be saved 
and will go in and out
 and find pasture."
John 10:9 (ESV)

“In short, It opens freely the door of mercy,
 to the greatest and vilest of penitent sinners;
 who obeying the blessed impulse of the grace of God, whereby they had been awakened from the sleep of death, and move to seek for pardon, may enter in, and, through the regenerating influence of the Holy Spirit, might be enabled to bring forth the fruits of Righteousness.
 Christianity is a scheme ‘for justifying the ungodly’, ‘while yet sinners’, ‘when enemies’ "
-William Wilberforce